In today’s economic times, saving money can be a necessity. Sometimes it can be fun just to see how much you can save without being fanatical.
Wet areas, such as showers, are prone to mildew in addition to soap scum and dirt. Yes, you can purchase shower sprays to get rid of the mildew.
However, you can easily make your own with simple ingredients – four parts water to one part chlorine bleach.
Now, if mildew has taken over your shower, use a stronger bleach mixture. Just be careful about getting the mixture on your skin. The bleach will dry out your skin quickly not to mention smell bad.
Place the mixture in a spray bottle clearly marked as bleach and water. Use on your shower to clean then prevent the mold and mildew.
Of course, NEVER mix bleach with ammonia. Fumes from the resulting mixture can be deadly.