Have you joined the green movement? Or, perhaps you just don’t like to use all that plastic and paper for shopping bags. Not only do you have to do something with those bags when you get them home, but they also tend to break open at the worst possible moment.
The eggs break, the bread gets crushed and the heavy cans hit your toes when they fall through the broken bags.
Now, we show you how to make an easy and inexpensive easy canvas shopping bag that is both strong and long-lasting. Plus, it is washable time after time.
Even if you want to make just a couple, it still may be cheaper to purchase a canvas drop cloth from the painting supplies area of your favorite store. The canvas drop cloth comes in a variety of sizes and you can get a lot of material for much less than buying the canvas by the yard.
There may be imperfections in the drop cloth canvas; however those imperfections should add character to your bag.
Plus, when you make the bag yourself, you can determine the resulting size. Ours is deeper than those reusable bags you can find in stores for purchase. Also, the handles are longer such that you can carry the bag or put the handles on your shoulder.
Frugal, fun and easy!